Executive Director

Job Description
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

for detailed job description, see http://www.swwomenslaw.org/jobs.html

Candidates should be knowledgeable about women's rights. Experience in public policy analysis, legal advocacy, non-profit management, and fundraising preferred.

Other Information/Requirements: 

SWLC seeks a passionate and skill Executive Director to lead a non-profit policy and legal advocacy organization working to improve the lives of women by combating gender discrimination, reducing poverty among women and their families, and ensuring that all women have access to healthcare including family planning and comprehensive reproductive health care services.

How to Apply: 

visit website at www.swwomenslaw.org/jobs.html.
Send cover letter (including salary requirements), resume and writing sample to [email protected] or by mail to 1410 Coal Avenue, SW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. No phone calls please.

Contact Information
Search Committee
Southwest Women's Law Center
1410 Coal Avenue, SW
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
no calls please
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Nov 4 2011
Date to Remove: 
Nov 21 2011

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