Executive Director

Job Description
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Executive director position works closely with an active Board of Directors in coordination with the Program Director to achieve our mission of preservation of adobe and native structures throughout new mexico and the southwest. Cornerstones is also very active in promoting education of youth and adults in the techniques of traditional building skills and preservation technologies. Full time salary position.

Additional Areas of Responsibility: 

Substantial administrative experience
High degree of financial management experience
Proven fundraising experience
Bachelor's Degree or equal experience that would assist Cornerstones in performing best as a nonprofit organization with a mission to preserve and protect historic structures and to educate youth and adults as to the benefits of preserving our cultural resources and traditional building

Other Information/Requirements: 

Cornerstones does not discriminate as to race, color, sexual orientation or religious affiliation in any aspect of its employment or activities.

How to Apply: 

Go to "about Cornerstones " tab and download all forms and info.
Contact only
[email protected]

Contact Information
Search Committee
Cornerstones Community Partnerships
227 Otero Street
Santa Fe
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
Business Fax: 
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Apr 27 2014
Date to Remove: 
Jul 30 2014

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