Business Consultant and Trainer Southeast New Mexico

Job Description
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Working one-on-one with entrepreneurs and small business owners on issues related to starting and managing a business(including financial management, marketing, operations, etc.), & obtaining business capital. Delivering training classes for entrepreneurs & small business owners on relevant topics. Working with the WESST loan department to identify prospective candidates for lending, & working with the candidate to shepherd the candidate through the loan application process

Additional Areas of Responsibility: 

oSchedule flexibility is required as WESST training classes and events frequently take place in the evening.
oUp to 10% business travel may be required.
oMost work will be performed in an office environment, sitting or standing. Some work will be performed in a live training environment where sitting or standing is acceptable.

Other Information/Requirements: 

A bachelor's degree from an accredited educational institution is required. A master's degree in a business-related field is preferred. Exceptional consideration will be given to candidates holding professional certifications from associations with governed accreditation bodies.

How to Apply: 

Please complete the online application on the WESST website:

Contact Information
Lorena Schott
609 Broadway Blvd NE
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
Business Fax: 
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Mar 28 2014
Date to Remove: 
Jun 30 2014

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