AmeriCorps Program Coordinator

Job Description
Main Areas of Responsibility: 

Our AmeriCorps member position or "Coach" is a full-time position bringing healthy play and physical activity to low-income schools to create a positive environment for learning and teaching. Members are trained and placed at an elementary school to run Playworks' program focused on teaching and organizing safe and inclusive games before, during and after school.

Additional Areas of Responsibility: 

Recess - create a safe and inclusive playground yard and be a significant presence on the yard by organizing and playing large games with 20+ students as well as role modeling
Junior Coach Program - organize a youth leadership program by facilitating trainings and working with teachers and staff

Other Information/Requirements: 

Volunteer Program - recruit and coordinate volunteers (e.g. school family members) to build a school community that supports positive, inclusive play and physical activity
Service Projects - participate in monthly service projects and national days of service, working together as a team to serve the community. Class Game Time - lead individual classes in skills building, cooperative games, and activities to increase awareness of rules and boundaries at recess

How to Apply: 

please visit our website :

Contact Information
Erin Romero
3451 Candelaria Rd NE
Suite G2
New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 
Business Phone: 
Business Fax: 
Playworks NM
Email Address: 
Internal Info
Date to Post: 
Mar 7 2013
Date to Remove: 
Aug 1 2013

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